Excellence Right From The Start
The Nubian School Graduation Featured Address 2004
August 14 2004 - Delivered by Ras Tyehimba

The Nubian Children School invites you to unite with us for the advancement of Early Childhood Education. Our programme is designed to develop the pupil's literary and communicative skills and help him/her to discover how creative he/she can be.
The structure and objective of our private school is geared to elevate the creative and intellectual development of your child. Our effective teaching techniques are based on oral, visual and auditory tact, with a well-balanced curriculum to enhance each student's self-esteem, thus we ensure that the educational foundation of your child is well established.
As we open up the mental awareness of each child, we activate and develop his/her ability to learn and also activate his/her capacity to assimilate information.
Our teachers are obligated to your child's educational progress, making sure that his/her needs are met with genuine concern and utmost efficiency.
With calculated individual attention we will perfect our purpose to help improve the quality of education.
We wish to help you secure that right start and an educational foundation that guarantees all the pride and satisfaction you look forward to in your child.
Miss Susan Edwards-Alfred
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